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Sweet Pea

Hello. My name is Sweet Pea. I am NOT a flower! I am a little bunny. I live in a tidy, cozy hole by the stream, not exactly all by myself. I like to float my boat Pea Pod to Town to go shopping. I have a flower garden and a vegetable garden. I do not grow tomatoes anymore. You will see why if you read TOO MANY TOMATOES! Sometimes I like to have company but things don’t always go as planned when calamity strikes! Read SWEET PEA’S CHRISTMAS to find out more about that. When not being a homebody I like to go on adventures. My most notorious one is documented in SWEET PEA’S JOURNEY. Many more interesting things have happened to me, which you can read about in new books to be released in 2020!

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String Bean

String Bean is not a vegetable! He is a bunny too, but not a little one. He is rather tall and wears holey jeans. He lives in an old rickety house across the meadow and likes to take LOTS of naps. He also likes to go fishing because it does not require much energy. (He has never ever caught a fish as far as I know.) His favorite foods are pickles and apples, and has been known to make turnip-pickle soup. Sometimes he is aggravating but seems to almost always be there when I need him. I guess you could say he is my best buddy. He is not as tidy as I am and not quite as industrious, but there is something about him…which you will see as you read my stories. By 2022 there will be 2 stories where he is the MAIN CHARACTER. Indeed, he is a character.

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I am so used to meece being underfoot that I hardly notice they are there. There are a lot of them. Some meece are helpful and some are naughty. They always seem to be getting into things. If you look carefully at the pictures in my books, you may see a lot of surprising things going on. How many can you find on each page? Each and every one of my books has a SEEK & FIND and fun creative ACTIVITIES at the end. So don’t forget to read the whole book, even after THE END.